Dangling modifiers

A modifier dangles when it does not directly or correctly modify anything in the sentence, so make sure that the reference made in the opening clause of the sentence agrees with the noun that comes immediately after it.


INCORRECT:  Facing indictment for insider trading, the grand jury called her to testify.

 We know what is meant but this reads literally that the grand jury is facing indictment, which isn’t accurate. This is:

 CORRECT: Facing indictment for insider trading, Stewart was called by the grand jury to testify. 

INCORRECT: Because she has the most knowledge of Massachusetts Avenue Project's initiatives, the position of public relations director was given to Lonnie Barlow.

 The reference in the opening clause/first part of the sentence is to a female individual, she. Therefore, the modifier that comes immediately after it must refer to that person.

 CORRECT: Because she has the most knowledge of Massachusetts Avenue Project's initiatives, Lonnie Barlow as given the position of public relations director..

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